Sexual Harassment Law
Jason Gunter is an experienced Fort Myers sexual harassment lawyer who is Board Certified as a specialist in Employment law. Gunter has experience in sexual harassment cases from early confidential settlement all the way through jury trial.
Attorney Gunter is available if you are in need of an experienced sexual harassment attorney in Fort Myers or Naples, Florida or surrounding areas. Gunter handles all sexual harassment cases on a contingency fee basis . . . No fees or costs unless you win! Contact Jason Gunter 24 hrs. a day at 239.334.7017 or Jason@gunterfirm.com for a Free and Confidential case evaluation.
What Is Sexual Harassment?
Sexual harassment in the workplace is illegal! Sexual harassment is unlawful under both federal sexual harassment law (Title VII of the Civil Rights Act) and Florida sexual harassment law (The Florida Civil Rights Act).
Sexual harassment usually comes in two forms:
- Hostile Work Environment (verbal sexual remarks, innuendos or touching)
- Quid pro Quo (Requests for Sexual Favors)
- Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual’s employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s work performance, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.
Facts About Sexual Harassment
- The victim may be a woman or a man.
- The harasser may be a man or woman.
- The victim does not have to be of the opposite sex. Same sex sexual harassment is illegal.
- The harasser can be the victim’s supervisor, a supervisor in another area, an owner, a co-worker, or even a non-employee.
- The victim does not have to be the person harassed but could be anyone affected by the offensive conduct.
- Sexual Harassment often goes unreported for fear of retaliation.
- It is illegal to fire or retaliate against an employee who reports sexual harassment.
- Even if a victim has consensual sex with a supervisor or owner they may have a sex harassment claim.
- The victims of sexual harassment often are unsure of how to exercise their rights because their harasser is often somebody who is in a position of power.
As a sexual harassment lawyer in Fort Myers, Jason can confidentially advise you regarding these sensitive and difficult workplace harassment issues.
Examples of Sexually Harassing Behavior
Specific examples of sexually harassing behavior include:
- Unwanted sexual advances or attention.
- Unwanted physical contact, including:
- Touching
- Pinching
- Patting
- Kissing
- Fondling
- Groping
- Grabbing, or
- Assault
- Blocking, interfering, or inhibiting free movement in the workplace.
- Obscene or inappropriate invitations, either written or by e-mail, received at work or at home.
- Repeated face-to-face, telephone or email invitations of a sexual nature after being refused.
- Verbal abuse, including:
- Graphic comments regarding an individual’s body.
- Frequently discussing graphic details of sexual acts and exploits.
- Verbal sexual advances or propositions.
- Inappropriate comments, epithets, slurs and jokes.
- Passing over qualified employees for promotion in favor of an employee who is having a sexual relationship with the boss.
5 Step Guide to Sexual Harassment
- STEP 1: Contact a lawyer experienced in sexual harassment cases who is preferably Board Certified in Employment Law. Call 239.334.7017 for a free and confidential consultation.
- STEP 2: Document everything in writing with a journal of the inappropriate conduct, including dates, times, locations and any witnesses. Note: Recording a person is unlawful.
- STEP 3: Collect and retain any email messages, text messages, notes, cards or photos to or from the harasser.
- STEP 4: If the harassment is from a co-worker, report the harassment to a supervisor or human resources. This should generally be done in writing under the guidance and advice of Florida employment attorneys experienced in sexual harassment law.
- STEP 5: File a Charge with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or “EEOC”. This should be done with the help of an experienced sexual harassment attorney.
Sexual Harassment Statistics
- In 2008, the EEOC received 13,867 charges of sexual harassment.
- 11,731 of those sexual harassment charges were resolved without litigation.
- $47.4 million was recovered for victims (Note: this does not include claims settled privately through attorneys, in litigation or by verdict, which are much higher)
How Can a Sexual Harassment Attorney Resolve Your Issue?
Jason L. Gunter has experience in handling sexual harassment cases in Fort Myers, Cape Coral, Naples, Estero, Bonita Springs, Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda (and all other areas of Lee County, Collier County, Charlotte County and Tampa).
If you feel you are the victim of sexual harassment or if you want to speak with a lawyer to discuss your potential case, Jason Gunter aggressively fights for the rights of victims of sexual harassment. Contact our office at 239.334.7017 for a free confidential consultation. You may also e-mail your details confidentially to Jason@gunterfirm.com.
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"My trust in his knowledge of the law never wavered. I would also like to give a positive review to his staff. They were/are professional and extend the same level of care and compassion as Jason. Overall my experience with the Gunter Firm was outstanding."
Connie Brown